miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

giant pitbull

pitbull types

The term is incorrect pitbull types to try to differentiate or classify , if we take the type reference dictionary you would realize that each individual pitbull dog would be a single rate , when wanting to classify or differentiate pitbull have to see whether we are talking by their appearance or their offspring , that if we have in mind is that the pitbull breed or APBT , since there are two more that people get confused races, due to its similarity for


When classifying the different types of pitbull we can go by two generalized aspects, such as the colors of their fur, nose and eyes, which can find the Pitbull blue, fawn as one of the most wanted people, but also are the tricolor, silver, even Red Nose incorrectly indicate that later why. These differences in the colors of pitbull taken for the phenotype that also involve internal differences as his character.
The types of pitbull dog by his descendants or rather genealogy, involves their offspring in the tree, often used as a lineage, trying to play only descendants of specific pitbulls either for their good temperament, appearance and even their trophies competition (Champions) a genealogical line or lineage to which you give a name that usually is the name of the first pitbull is created. Among the most popular are the Red Nose sharing a lineage and a characteristic phenotype.
Tipos de perros pitbull


pitbull blue

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015

pitbull terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) is a breed of dog occasionally confused with the American Staffordshire Terrier, with which it shares origins, but differs in terms of standard and selection criteria. Also not to be confused with the stafordshire Bull Terrier (companion breed and smaller size) or the bull terrier or the boxers. Unlike the above dogs, the American pit bull terrier is not recognized by the FCI, their records being in charge of the UKC and mainly ADBA, each with its own canon of the race.

In the days when dog breeds pit were at their peak, the definition of pit bull was referring to almost any type of dog that was used for the sport known as "Bull-baiting" which was to make one fight two dogs and a bull, as well as ratting, which was to take a dog to a well with rat and see which killed more in less time.

After County Stamford, Lincolnshire began to use them to weaken cattle slaughter with the idea that this improved the flavor of the meat and thus changed the definition of the type bull terriers, functional group and racial group breeds Staffordshire Terrier, Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier we currently consolidated. The pit bull lost its classification and only in recent years it will start recording new dog counts as functional group, where no matter its form, but only its ability to perform a job.

The pit bull is currently working in narcotics detection in security services and as pets. In Spain it is classified as potentially dangerous dog.


Colby: Colby John Pritchard was, without doubt, the "father" of the APBT. Around the year 1900 and was known dogs that came from the old "Pit Bull Terrier" English, these dogs were small, with long compact bones, were usually black or brindle color with white patches.

These dogs were born the first Colby's, dogs that are part of all current apbt, were small, about 15 kilos, with a compact muscles, narrow and elongated bones, rounded skull, short but flexible necks, and coloration ranging between black, brindle and cinnamon, all with head or white spots.

It should be clarified that a Colby dog, more specifically Colby's Primo born race is now known as American Staffordshire Terrier, although the selection has not been consistent with the original standard, and amstaff today have nothing to do with this first dog, morphologically speaking considered the best at that time. This bloodline has continued to this day thanks to the legacy of grandfather-father-son Colby.

Old Family Red Nose: The Story of Dogs "Old Family Red Nose" is certainly one of the most unknown and poorly documented by its remoteness in time, it was one of the first known families in the history of the APBT.

It is known that these dogs came from an Irish family, which raised a completely red dogs, these dogs later became known at around fighting dog, and began to be bought and bred by such men as William J. Lightner and Con Feeley between 1914-1916. They were rather large dogs 15-25 kilos, and often have red or red and white robe, nose, eyelids, fingernails and pink lips. Subsequently these old dogs progeny came "Centipede" Ferguson, "Golddust" Hemphill, Morris' "Pinkie" and "Banjo" Howell and "Cyclone" William